Monday 23 January 2012

Skyrim - Cronvangr Cave

The entranceway to Cronvangr Cave is surrounded by cobwebs and the empty egg husks of frostspiders. This suggests to my trained eye that there may be spiders within the cave. Neither I nor Stenvar have any fear of the eight-legged variety, so venture forth into the opening of the rockface.

Sure enough the first cavern I reach is filled with the things, which I slay with ease. They spit poison as I approach, but I merely wipe this away and drive my sword into their chitinous carapaces. I see the entrance to an ante-chamber across the cavern, which seems empty at first until I spot a rock doorway. I locate the button to activate it and it slides down into the floor.

Beyond lies a tighter series of corridors, supported by wooden structures, and then a house built in the middle of a large cavern. It is obvious to me that some form of inhabitant other than spiders dwell here, so it comes as no surprise to find vampires. The first of them sits at a desk, reading. I dip an arrow in some of the frostspider venom I gathered and fire it across the room into her head.

This is not the last of the gore I'll see, for further on I find large amounts of blood and viscera - these vampires are not tidy with their eating. I also find a lot of corpses, and it is while investigating these pile of bodies that another vampire appears. This one is a bit tougher to take down, casting magic at me while I try to slay it with my sword.

Carrying on with my exploration, I emerge into a more open cavern with several walkways leading down to a pool of water at the bottom. More spiders live here, and Stenvar assists me in arrowing them from afar. The cold from the pool below drifts up, and he comments to me that he could do with some warm ale.

One of the pathways leads us to a door to Broodlair, a further section of the cave which I would assume is filled with vampire scum. But instead, all I find are spiders both small and large. Webs lie everywhere, requiring me to cut through to gain access to areas. I stumble upon a large chest which is filled with gold, soul gems, and above all, the sword of Queen Freydis. Oengul best be please with this.

We turn around and leave the cave behind, heading west. Crossing the river just outside the cave, we stumble upon the ruined fort of Gallows Rock. Though I approach it with stealth, the Silver Hands atop the walls are ever vigilant, loosing volleys of arrows down at us as we pass. I'll deal with them later, mark my words.

In the meantime, I've got a sword to give to a blacksmith in Windhelm, so head north towards the walls city.

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