Monday 2 January 2012

Skyrim - Wylandriah's Spoon

Ivarstead is the next location on my list of places to visit. It has been a while since I returned there, and it will be good to see some of the people who I met on my visit so long ago. I take quite a roundabout route to get there, discovering Snapleg Cave on the way.

My arrival in the town is as dramatic as the journey was dull. As I crest a bridge looking down at Ivarstead, I see my good friend Klimmek engaged in mortal combat with a bear. He looks to be doing quite well until the bear stands upon its hind legs and smashes its weight on top of him. He falls dead, and I cry in dismay.

I run into the town and kill the bear. Everyone else goes about their business, despite the corpse of the much-loved Klimmek lying across the middle of the main street through the town. And to think, last time I was here he'd just confessed his love to Fastred. So much to live for, yet now nothing more than worm fodder.

I enter Fellstar Farm, and retrieve Wylandriah's spoon - she's the eccentric and very forgetful mage who works for the Jarl of Riften. She'd asked me to pick up various bits and pieces they'd she'd left scattered around various places in Skyrim, and this was the first I'd come to.

Again, no one in Ivarstead says a word - I've literally just broken into a house to get this spoon back. Maybe they're in shock from the death of Klimmek? Maybe they are over-awed that the Dragonborn is back in town? Who knows.

I walk into the Vilemyr Inn and speak with the barkeep. I give him a journal I found on my last visit to Shroud Heath Barrow, and he rewards me with one of the jeweled chicken feet that is used to access so many of these tombs. This one is a sapphire claw.

I head to the Barrow, just up the road from the inn. I have to pass Klimmek on the way, and to give him some dignity, drag him to the gutter - at least he won't be run over by passing carts. Turning my back on Ivarstead, I re-enter Shroud Hearth Barrow one more time.

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