Wednesday 14 December 2011

Skyrim - The Shrine of Azura

I have to trudge down the mountain a bit before finding a usable path. The snow is falling heavily, the wind not helping by gusting it into flurries, obscuring my vision. Stenvar follows not far behind - he keeps up with me admirably, though complains that he hasn't worn something warmer.

Out of the blizzard appears something definitely made by hands of some sort - it is a Dwemer ruin, Alftand. The Dwemer have long since died out, a race of dwarves who built vast underground cities and utilised technology like no other seen on the surface. I am awed by the view of so much bronze, and such majesty of architecture, but choose to press on up the mountain - I can return to this place at a later date.

We next pass the entrance to a mine, called Sightless Pit. It is aptly named - it is barely viewable from the path. Again, I carry on. Wolves intermittently attack us as we force our way through the freezing air, Stenvar once again reminding me that it is so cold that he can barely hold a weapon. I've paid for his services, so he will go where I go, kill what I say, and put up with whatever the weather chooses to do.

I can see a large statue at the peak of the mountain, barely able to discern detail on the thing. A snow bear takes me by surprise, so well hidden it was by the snow, and so distract was I by the statue. I receive a number of swipes from its claws, then slash my sword across its neck. The beast falls down the slope and drops out of sight. I am not in the mood for harvesting its skin.

The rocks of the mountain begin to funnel us towards the top, and rounding a corner I once more see the statue - it is a woman with outstretched arms, one holding a star, the other a crescent moon. It is the Shrine of Azura, and it is here that I meet a priestess. She is the last of her kind, she says, her name being Aranea Ienith. She has had a vision of an Elven mage in a water-surrounded fort, and wants me to locate him. But I will have to travel to Winterhold first to find out the true whereabouts of this fort.

I step away from the shrine, and we make our way back down the mountain towards Winterhold. En route, I find an old watchtower called Journeyman's Nook. Inside, I discover a bandit who seems quite taken aback by my sudden intrusion, and leaps forward with a mace. I make short work of him with my sword, and return to investigating the building.

It seems as though this place was once home to a mage called Borvil, for I find his grisly corpse on the floor in a pool of blood. An enchanting table sits in the corner, alongside a small library of books, and Borvir's dagger. He won't be needing it anymore, so I take it and get back on the road.

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