Thursday 29 December 2011

Skyrim - Stillborn Cave

I return to the college at Winterhold to inform the archmage of what occurred at Saarthal. Amazingly, Tolfdir is back before me, and has already found somewhere to house the massive glowing orb I discovered at the aforementioned location. He asks me to study the orb, but I'm up to my armoured shoulderpads with tasks as it is - I'll look into it later.

I head back to Whiterun, a long and arduous journey across the frozen wastes. I choose to navigate around the mountain range clockwise this time, rather than across it, and find myself walking near Windhelm. On the way, a Khajiit randomly leaps out from behind a rock to attack Stenvar and I. Picking over his body, I find no hint as to why he chose to so futilely throw his life away in such a manner. I shrug at the madness of it all, and we traipse on.

I walk past the entrance to Stillborn Cave. Outside, bones of the dead have been arranged to keep explorers away. But none could have foretold the coming of me and my loyal follower Stenvar, and we dive into the darkness of the cave, eager for gold and glory.

The cave quickly changes from rock to pure ice - the walls and chambers carved my the winds of millennia throw the ice of the mountain. My gut tells me that danger lies ahead, but at this point I have no idea how much. But we soon fall into it.

This ice cave is populated by the grey-skinned falmer, humanoid subterranean dwellers who, though blind, can easily seek out invaders of their territory through smell and sound. Individually, they don't prove to be of much trouble to the two of us. But us soon as we come across multiples, things become quite tricky.

The falmer have small camps within the cave which we cleanse with blade and arrow and magic. The difficulty of managing them grows once they introduce the vile chaurus creatures, awful black-carapaced giant insects who throw gouts of poisonous spit our way when we approach. Again, single chaurus' die relatively quickly, but many a potion is required to stay alive amidst waves of the things.

Eventually, the entire cave complex is clear of both falmer and chaurus, and though I pull myself from the subterranean underworld with some treasures and gold, the difficulty and near-death suffered in sequestering them proves a sobering thought - was it all worth it?

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