Monday 19 December 2011

Skyrim - Winterhold

As Stenvar and I head back to Winterhold, I spy an encampment up ahead. It appears deserted from a distance, but we approach quietly and with bows drawn. There is no need for this - the camp is a bloodbath of dead hunters. Whoever or whatever did this has long since departed, so I pick my way through the useful stuff. I stumble upon a locked safebox which, with judiciousness use of my lockpick, soon reveals a ring inside. I take it and leave.

The path leads through snowy mountain passes and shows me an impressive sight - Winterhold. From a distance, a large building is visible atop a spike of rock, perched precariously. Only a thin bridge links it to the town below.

We travel down the hill to Winterhold, which is in the depths of a terrible snow storm. The town seems to have suffered some terrible calamity - only a smattering of buildings are intact and upright, surrounded by others which are burnt-out shells. Guards walk up and down the main street.

I enter the Jarl's longhouse, and approach him on his thrown. He is Jarl Korir, and for him to trust me, he sets me a task. I must locate the Helm of Winterhold for him, an ancient horn-adorned helmet which has somehow become misplaced. Despite this, the Jarl is confident of its location which he duly marks on my map. After some uncomfortable moments of the Jarl explaining his disdain for the local college, I leave, promising a swift return of the item in question.

I decide to investigate the building I'd seen from the road. It appears to be the College of Winterhold, a unique place in Skyrim where mages can study unhindered by petty Nord tradition. The college is built on a higher section of ground than the rest of the town, and is reachable via a rather treacherous stonework bridge. To either side is a drop of several hundred feet.

I am but a humble Imperial adventurer, and the thought of at least a basic education is something that has been on my mind for some time. The college's entry conditions seem to be very basic - all I need to do is confirm to them that I am capable of casting some magic. Even though I'm joining "to improve my destruction" (my words, not theirs), the tutor has me cast a magelight illusion spell. This seems to be all that is required, and I am inducted into the ranks of apprentice mages.

I'm given my own room, which is in a roundel of other student rooms. At least I now I have somewhere to stay for free should I return to Winterhold on a regular basis. I meet some of the other characters, all of whom seem to be either socially inept, power-hungry, or too trusting. I think I'll get on just fine here.

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