Monday 28 November 2011

Skyrim - Calm descent

When morning comes, we set out back along the path. It is gradually leading us back down the mountain, but snow covered peaks are still in abundance. Hungry wolves snap at Lydia and I from time to time; their diet must be limited at this altitude, and they know not of the danger they face when hungrily approaching the two of us.

I fondly recall our battle against the bitter Hagraven and her minions the day before. We gelled so well that day, with Lydia taking the fight to the enemy, and me working my way around to snuff out the evil life at the top of the rock. Though hard-fought, we were victorious in a way we hadn't managed before.

Lydia walks a few steps behind me as we progress, and a smile creeps onto my face. We can't really discern each others looks due to the heavy armour covering both of our faces, but I know she smiles back. I can see Lydia remaining my Housecarl for a long while yet. Maybe she'll be something more one day? But that's for another day. In the meantime, we just enjoy the gentle stroll in the crisp mountain air.

I stumble upon a building constructed right on the edge of a mighty crevasse, a high arch visible before the rest of the stonework. The place is called North Skyward Watch, clearly some form of imperial watch tower.

I approach it without my usual reticence, seeing little of life around it. Nevertheless, I am soon met at the entrance-way by a couple of bandits intend on bashing my head in with iron maces. Lydia fires iron arrows into the narrow door, and helps me end them quickly. They aren't the thugs and outlaws we've previously tussled with, just your run-of-the-mill bandits.

The dead bandits have little of worth stored in the watch - a table contains their coin-purses, some almost-worthless potions, and a chest with a bit more gold in it. Other than that, the only luxury they've afforded themselves are a couple of wolf-skin beds.

I take one last look at the place, then we return to the path to continue our traipse down the mountain.

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