Friday 18 November 2011

Skyrim - Riften, the dodgiest place in Skyrim

I wander around Riften, taking in the local views. It is a dingy town, with little of note. Even the inhabitants don't seem particularly happy about things, definitely fed up. I decide to get away from the negativity, go and sit in a temple. The only one in Riften is the Temple of Mara.

Mara is the goddess of love and compassion. Many people drag themselves to temples such as this when they are feeling sick, as they know they'll be treated well. I say this, because on every altar, I see a person laying and moaning. And not in a good way.

The priestess asks if I'd like to perform a task for Mara. Being the good-natured adventurer that I am, I of course agree. She says that Mara has heard a woman in Ivarstead praying for help in her relationship, and that help will be me. I add it to my list of things to do.

As I exit the temple, another man approaches me for assistance - I must look like the caring type. He introduces himself as Louise Letrush, and asks that I speak with another person called Sibbi Black Briar about a business deal gone bad. It involves a horse. I'm beginning to think that this has something to do with gambling and organised crime. Matters aren't helped by Sibbi currently residing in prison. Again, it goes on the list for dealing with another day.

I leave Riften behind for a while; it is a horrible place. Why anyone would want to visit here, let alone live here is beyond me. I just thank the gods that I managed to make it out of the place alive and in one piece. And that's saying something considering the dark holes and near-death experiences I've faced recently.

From the road out of Riften, I stumble across some standing stones. Rather than allowing me to pick one permanent blessing from a variety of blessings, this one only allows a single choice, but a powerful one - temporary but extended invisibility. I am tempted by this, very tempted as any man would be.

I turn away from the standing stones, content with the warrior blessing I already carry. As I round a large rock, something amazing greets my eyes - a fire atronach! This flaming daedra instantly starts throwing fire balls at me, not the best start. My mother always told me that fire and ice don't mix, so I throw back some ice magic. The atronach doesn't last long under the avalanche and succumbs, depositing a large chunk of fire salts onto the snowy earth. I am reminded of someone asking me for fire salts, that they need them for their furnace or something. I place the salts into my bag and carry on exploring.

I follow the road east until I am unable to walk any further - my way is barred by a large wall, the edge of the known world for Skyrim. I'll have to follow a different route, in this case headed west.

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