Tuesday 15 November 2011

Skyrim - Join the Companions

My arrival in Ivarstead doesn't seem to surprise any of the inhabitants; only Klimmek pays me any heed. What is surprising is that he pays me money for the free delivery to the mountain - I'm not sure what his basis of economics is, but I'm not complaining. We exchange a few pleasantries, but neither of us are into it and we go our separate ways.

I head north, towards Whiterun. Nothing much occurs - I stick to the river, a leisurely stroll that takes in the sights of salmon leaping and elk roaming. I pick various flowers and fungi along the way, ingredients which can be used in alchemy.

Upon my arrival in Whiterun, I make my way to the Companion lodging of Jorrvaskr. This is a round building, seemingly bedecked in animal skins. From this alone, I already have a measure of those inside. I speak with a warrior called Kodiak, who says he sees promise in me - he allows me to join the Companions. Why they call themselves this is beyond me - they seem like any other fighter's guild to me.

My first task is given to me by another warrior, by the name of Farkas. I am simply to go to a local inn and beat up a man. This should be simple enough, after all I've spent the last few days neck deep in blood and guts. What could a drunk in a pub do to a towering adventure such as myself in full heavy armour?

I enter the pub and spot my target from across the room. He is a bard, and has apparently been annoying the women of Whiterum with his inappropriate and very forward manner. I make my way over to him and tell him to stop bothering people. He tells me that he left his previous town for the very same reason and wouldn't be moved again. And so I lay down the law, Companion-style.

My orders are simple - just beat him up, no dying should occur. And that's just what I do, but by the nine he makes a mess of my face in the process. I walk away from the pub with the chap promising me that he would be less uncouth in future. I smile back at him through a split lip.

I return to Farkas to inform him of a job well done. He just shrugs, speaks a barely-audible thanks, and walks off. Frankly, I feel disheartened.

I choose to leave Whiterum for a couple of days, get some exercise and see some of the local sights.  I check my map,  and see that there is large area just north of Ivarstead where I haven't set foot yet. Perfect, I think, and head for the treeline next to the river.

Things take a turn for the worse when I am at my furthest point from Whiterun - the sound of beating wings, a cry from reptilian throat, and the heat of fire instantly tell me that there's a dragon about. The first thought that springs to mind is "Run!", and looking down at my legs I'm doing just that. Whiterun is visibly in the distance, but still quite some way away.

I instead aim for the Honningbrew Meadery just south of the town, my theory being that I can bravely hide in one of the buildings while the giant winged beast bothers someone else. However, I see to my luck that there are two guards from Whiterun patrolling the road nearby. A new plan forms, one in which I am seen to take all the glory yet do less than half the work.

The guards turn to see me running in my heavy metal armour, then look beyond and see winged death behind me. They both begin to fire arrows at the dragon, which decides to make them its meal for the day. With some relief, I also join in with the archery display, and after some minutes have passed, the dragon collapses in a heap. Of course, I undergo the absorption of the dragon's soul - cos, you known that's what us Dragonborn do.

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