Friday 18 November 2011

Skyrim - To Riften

I head towards the river, noticing a waterwheel in the distance. I have no idea what this place will be, but I hope to be able to sell more of the loot which I picked up in the fort. The village is small, barely two homes and the aforementioned industrial unit. A young boy tells me it is called Heartwood Mill. He also tells me a sad story of how his dad vanished into the wild, how his mum hates him for leaving, and of how lonely he is.

I decide to play a game of tag with him, and we run around the village together, hiding around corners and jumping out at each other. It is a welcome respite from the hours of death I've faced recently, and return to simpler times.

I leave quite soon, there aren't any shops here. I follow the river, aiming for the large town of Riften. On my way, I pass yet another fort, this one called Falder's Tooth. Archers pepper me with shots, but I will come back for them another time.

I also pass a large estate built out on a small island in the river. I approach the gates, but they will not let me in. No amount of talking seems to gain me access, and the shores of the island are too steep for me to climb up. I abandon my attempt, and move on towards Riften.

Reaching the south gate of the town, the guards here will also let me in. Maybe its my hours on the road, maybe its the thick sheen of recently spilt blood on me... The guard then explains that they are having issues with the Thieves Guild, and the only access to the town is via the north gate. It takes me a while to work my way around to the north side, and when I do get there, I have yet more issues in trying to get into the town.

The first guard steps up to me, and says that there is a fee for entry. Remembering the references to the guild from the south gate, I bring him up short. "This is a ruse" I tell him, and he instantly buckles under my withering gaze. "Alright, alright, I'll let you in. Just don't tell my captain!" I aim to do just that, if I can find him.

Riften is a confusing town. Anything of note is built up from the canals that run in from the river, but I'm told not go down to what is know as the "Ratway", as that's where the guild live. I'll give them a wide bearth for now, big up the Collider name around the town so they know I'm about.

As I approach the market, a bearded man approaches, asks me to help him out. My tired legs say no, but my helpful heart says yes. He walks back to his stall, and brings an audience together of the other stall owners, declaring that he has a magic potion for sale. Meanwhile, I work my way around to another stall, pick the lock to a safe box, and retrieve a ring from inside. I then place this ring in the pocket of another stall owner.

No one turns around, and I am initially impressed with my new-found talent. Yet I also know that I have just done something wrong. Yes, I've been walking around this land murdering and butchering bandits and animals with wanton abandon, but these were all generally bad people - I know not the politics of this town. I will have to make this up to myself.

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