Wednesday 16 November 2011

Skyrim - Bandits Galore

Prior to the dragon attack, I'd been in the mood for exploration, so I carried on with this. My first major discover on the road from Whiterun is a disused mine. I enter the dark entrance tunnel, and to my not so great shock, find the place inhabited by bandits. Is there no dark and dank ruin these thieves won't pick for a home?

The mine is mainly comprised of walkways suspended above the flooded areas, and it is from these that the bandits mount their attacks. They  seem to be specialised in archery, and shower me with arrows. They obviously have not heard about the special relationship I hold with the dragons, and I see to ending their lives quickly and efficiently. Many of them carry gold on their persons, as well as various other items of worth. I take these to the nearby town of Riverwood, and sell them to my good and dear friends Lucan and Camilla Valerius in the Riverwood Traders.

From Riverwood, I once more take the road towards Whiterun, but instead of crossing the river, I follow it east. The landscape begins to turn green, a welcome sight from the endless dreariness I've been exposed to of late. Spanning the river someway down as some kind of guard tower. My map informs me that it is called Valtheim Towers, but gives me no further clue to its purpose.

I get a worrying feeling about the place. Clearly it is inhabited, there are signs of living all around - tables, chairs, ale. With my sword drawn, I make my way up the nearest staircase to explore further, and come face to face with a bandit. Unluckily for them, they only see me when my sword has already done its job.

The span from tower to tower soon swarms with more of the bandits compatriots, all of whom seem oblivious to my excellent bow skills. Bodies soon litter the stone granary, and I cross to the empty tower on the other side of the river. A chest here and there rewards my exploration, but soon yet more bandits arrive to see what all the noise was about. None of them last long, and I cross the river again to continue my journey East.

On my way along the highway, I find a cave called Dark Shade - there is a gold vein right outside the entrance way, covered in blood and bones. I decide not to enter. For now.

The next stop is an old burial site, Hillgrund's Tomb. A man called Goldir is outside, and rushes over to talk to me. Clearly the legend of me has travelled far, yet he speaks not of dragon slaying. Instead, he begs me to go into the tomb with him to slay a necromancer in there. He's too afraid to do it on his own, so I offer to help, and we enter through the iron door together.

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